Saturday, 9 September 2017

Bark and broccoli - its time to test the bibs!!

Bit of a lazy Saturday morning - which meant it wasn't really appropriate for him to try anything this morning. We all ate separately and at awkward times.

Then we decided to take a walk up to the high street as one of our local pubs was having a BBQ, live music etc! Again not much opportunity for him to try anything here as the only things on offer were hotdogs and burgers. I've no issue with meat (at all!) - but for his first tries I'd like it to be something I've made myself just so I know the salt content etc. 

*Annabel rocking the wellies and sunglasses look!*

After the little family pub crawl - we know how to treat the kids to fun day out! We came home for films and playing. 

Alexander had a bottle around half an hour before Annabel and her friend were due to have tea so he was able to sit down with them tonight and tried broccoli, roast potato, yogurt bark and a piece of apricot. 

He approached all with his usual gusto and got stuck straight in! All seemed to be hits except the yogurt bark - which I think was too cold. As expected none was actually eaten - just played with, gummed, explored etc.


This is his face as he gagged some out - he tried to shove it in too hard!

Potato (this was just cut into small wedges and roasted with olive oil)

Yogurt bark - as you can see he's not a fan! 

Then just as I had cleaned up his bib - he saw me giving his sister some apricot and so I thought - why not! He really loved gumming that!!

I didn't have my phone camera to hand as it was a last minute decision to give him apricot so my husband took the pictures - hence the fact they are quite arty!

And finally a bonus picture of me in full BLW swing! 

Right, now I am off to watch Strictly!! 

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