No firm plans for food so we winged it a bit. For breakfast I thought I'd try him with a bit of Cashew nut butter on toast. I used white bread and unsalted butter and smooth cashew nut butter.
*TOP TIP ALERT* If you are introducing a food which could cause an allergic reaction - nuts, egg, strawberries etc - (please check nhs for latest advice) then its a good idea to do this early in the day so you can keep an eye out for a reaction. If you do it later in the day you risk the reaction happening at night when you wouldn't necessarily witness it.
Again none actually eaten but he did suck and squeeze the bread!
We had a snack lunch of tiger bread, chicken, carrot sticks etc - so I ended up offering him a chunk of chicken as he was sitting on my lap. He grabbed it and started gumming it - but I haven't got any pictures as he was sitting on my knee and I didn't have my phone to hand. A little bit of chicken came off but he dribbled it back out!
At tea time I cobbled together "paella", rice, giant cous cous, roasted peppers, courgette, red onion and ham. I cooked the rice and cous cous in a low salt stock cube. I also added some Parmesan to give a cheesey flavour! I served this to Annabel and Alexander! He enjoyed rubbing it off the plate and around his tray / on to the floor! And some of it made it into his fist and towards his mouth!
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