Friday, 8 September 2017

Banana trick and carrot

Ok so as I have broken my own rule already I figured I might as well get on with it. A time hop popped up on facebook too of Annabels first day of BLW -she had peach, banana, yogurt, broccoli, pasta and bolognaise! I'm taking a bit of a slower starting pace with Alexander!

We started the day with a bit of banana (this was about half an hour after his morning bottle when he wasn't hungry and wasn't tired). To begin with you're not offering the food as a source of nourishment - they get everything they need from their milk. So its good to offer things after a bottle and when they are in a good mood! This might mean you are offering things at random times of the day but that’s fine - they will get into your “normal” meal routine eventually!

*TOP TIP ALERT!* Someone taught me a really handy trick once and its perfect for making a banana into grabable pieces.  Firstly press your thumb down on the tip of the banana...

The banana will start to split into three - you can then gently encourage the splitting!

And hey presto you will have three handy shaped sections of banana! 

Its worth noting at this time in the process that babies tend to grab the food in a fist and put their fist to their mouths - so if you can make to food "finger" shaped they have more chance of getting some near their mouths to explore!

As the banana was quite soft he managed to gum a couple of pieces off but they pretty much came straight back out of his mouth!  He also enjoyed squeezing it! Another exciting thing about bananas is that when they do finally start to digest them you might see what looks like tiny black worms in their poo! Freaky but at least you know they’ve swallowed some!

Then we popped out to the library, doctors (pre-school jabs for toddler) and as we were out and about we had a naughty KFC - so I didn't offer him anything at lunch time! He might just be a little young for a zinger...

After his 4pm bottle and while his sister was having his tea I offered some carrot batons which I had boiled almost to the point of them breaking up. I cut them to about the size of my finger.

I ran cold water over them to cool them down and offered one a a time. He enjoyed grabbing them and putting them to his mouth - as with the banana he managed to gum a couple of pieces off which were swiftly ejected from his mouth! And he swiped quite a bit onto the floor! 

*TOP TIP ALERT* - run your finger around your babies mouth to check for any pieces they might stored hamster style in their cheeks - before you leave them after food.

I also made some yogurt bark - but he started getting a bit ratty after 20 mins playing with the carrot so I decide to leave that for another day. 

Attempt at uploading a video!

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