Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Preparing to start Baby Led Weaning

Based on my previous experience I've bought a couple of new smock type bibs. They were advertised/recommended on a faceboook blw group I follow. The fact they are breathable and washable and have elastiated cuffs appealed to me. I found that fabric cuffs on my old ones got grimmy and smelly - even though I washed the bibs. So we'll see how we get on with these!


I also invested in a Sticky Matt thing which will stick to the high chair. This isn't
Essential though. To begin with I just put the food straight on the tray. 

I've also joined a load of blw groups on Facebook (good for tips!), downloaded the baby led weaning recipe app by Natalie Peall - good for recipes and meal plans.  
And I've dug out my baby led weaning cookbook by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett - absolutely essential!! This book describes the ethos of baby led weaning so well and has loads of yummy recipes which the whole family can eat. 

Over the next week or so I'll start to think about what I'm going to start him on - given the gusto with which he currently shoves stuff in his mouth I have a feeling he's going to enjoy this and probably gag quite a bit!

On that note it's important to understand the difference between gagging and choking. Gagging is completely normal for babies trying solid foods for the first time. Their gag reflex is very close to the front of their mouths and whilst scary to watch its NORMAL!! If you can hear them making noises coughing etc try not to panic. Choking is SILENT as the airway is blocked. I would highly recommend going on a baby first aid course to learn what to do in the event of your baby choking - I did a St Johns Ambulance course before BLW with Annabel and I definitely think it helped me relax while she was eating. 

So now I've got the high chair out, bibs, cook books, recipe app - I think we are almost ready!!

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